Ignite Your Fire: A 7-Week Course
Ignite Your Fire 7-Week Course Objectives and How to Use This Course
What you will need
Ignite Your Fire Disclaimer
Meet Your Facilitators: Lee Byrd and Katie Mae
The Importance of Embodiment
Creating Emotional Freedom: The Basics
Ignite Your Fire Glossary
Using Essential Oils to Balance & Heal Our Emotional Body
Ignite Your Fire: A 7-Week Course - Week 1 Recording
Awareness: Objectives and What You Will Need
Awareness of Emotions
Emotional Awareness Infographic
Awareness: The Power of Presence
Awareness: Embodying Presence - A Journaling Exercise
Ignite Your Fire Disclaimer
Ignite Your Fire: A 7-Week Course - Week 2 Recording
Breath Work: Objectives and What You Will Need
Why Breath Work?
Breath Work: Embodying the Breath
Breath Work: Beginner Embodiment Exercise
Breath Work: Benefits
Breath Work: History & Square Breath Exercise
Breath Work: Energetics & Parasympathetic Exercise
Breath Work: Metaphor for Life & 3 Part Breath Exercise
Breath Work Exercise: Alternate Nostril
Breath Work Exercise: Ujjayi
Ignite Your Fire: A 7-Week Course - Week 3 Recording
Acceptance: Objectives and What You Will Need
Acceptance: Allowing What Is Here Now
Acceptance: Telling The Story
Acceptance: Stepping Out of The Story
Ignite Your Fire: A 7-Week Course - Week 4 Recording
Movement Medicine Objectives and What You Need
Movement Medicine: Mind-Body Connection & Movement Practice
Movement Medicine: Movement is Medicine & Cleansing Exercise
Movement Medicine: Dance Therapy & Dance Exercise
Movement Medicine: Body Acceptance & Self Love
Movement Medicine: Healing Touch & Massage Exercise
Ignite Your Fire: A 7-Week Course - Week 5 Recording
Action: Playing With A Practice - Objectives and What You Will Need
Action: Creating Inner Strength Through Power Posing
Action: Developing Positive Self Talk
Action: Visualizing The Life of Your Dreams
Action: Self-Care
Ignite Your Fire: A 7-Week Course - Week 6 Recording
Closing Celebration: Objectives and What You Will Need
Closing Celebration: What do I need right now?
Closing Celebration: Building a Personal Daily Practice
Closing Celebration: Congratulations! Give Yourself a Hug
Take a short survey to help us improve our course
Ignite Your Fire: A 7-Week Course - Week 7 Recording
Staying In Touch: Contact Information
Essential Oil to Help Balance and Heal
Dance To Be Free - A Video
Books to Inspire and Support
Infographic: 10 Guideposts for Wholehearted Living
The Butterfly Effect - Elevating Your Vibration (Video)